Articles, Reports & Book Chapters
2016-present and forthcoming work
- Knowledge Infrastructures Under Siege, in D. Bigo, E. Isin, and E. Ruppert, eds., Data Politics: Worlds, Subjects, Rights (Routledge, forthcoming)
- Platforms are Fast (but Fragile) Infrastructures, in T. Mullaney and B. Peters, eds., Your Computer is On Fire (MIT Press, forthcoming)
- Re-integrating Scholarly Infrastructures: the ambiguous role of data sharing platforms, J-C. Plantin, C. Lagoze, and P.N. Edwards, Big Data & Society (2018)
- Big Data is the Answer… but what is the Question?, B.J. Strasser and P.N. Edwards, Osiris 32, special issue on 'Data Histories' (2017)
- The Mechanics of Invisibility: On Habit and Routine as Elements of Infrastructure, in I. Ruby & A. Ruby (eds.), Infrastructure Space (2017)
- Producing “one vast index”: Google Book Search as an algorithmic system, M. Chalmers and P.N. Edwards, Big Data & Society (2017)
- Knowledge Infrastructures for the Anthropocene, The Anthropocene Review, special issue on ‘The Technosphere’ (2017)
- Big Data is not about Size: When Data Transform Scholarship, J-C. Plantin, C. Lagoze, P.N. Edwards, and C. Sandvig, in C. Mabi, J-C. Plantin, and L. Monnoyer-Smith, eds., Ouvrir, Partager, Réutiliser: Regards critiques sur les données numériques (Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme, 2017)
- Downscaling: From Global to Local in the Climate Knowledge Infrastructure, in P. Harvey, C.B. Jensen, and A. Morita, eds., Infrastructures and Social Complexity (Routledge, 2016)
- Control Earth, Places, republished from LA+ Simulations, special issue of LA+ Interdisciplinary Journal of Landscape Architecture (2016)
- A. Monea and P.N. Edwards, An Archive for the Future: Paul N. Edwards on Technology, Historiography, Self, and World, International Journal of Communication (2016)
- Infrastructure Studies meet Platform Studies in the Age of Google and Facebook, J-C. Plantin, C. Lagoze, P.N. Edwards, and C. Sandvig, New Media & Society (2016)
- Afterworld, in R. van Munster and C. Sylvest, eds., The Politics of Globality since 1945: Assembling the Planet (Routledge, 2016)
- Open Access: Publishing, Commerce, and the Scientific Ethos, B.J. Strasser and P.N. Edwards, Report to the Swiss Science and Innovation Council (2015)
- Gouverner le système Terre, in D. Pestre and C. Bonneuil, eds., Histoire des sciences et des savoirs, tome 3: Le siècle des technosciences (depuis 1914) (Seuil, 2015), 398-421. Forthcoming in English 2016.
- Wissensinfrastrukturen für das Anthropozän, in Jürgen Renn and Bernd Scherer, eds., Das Anthropozän: Zum Stand der Dinge (2015)
- Should I Stay or Should I Go? Alternative Infrastructures in Scholarly Publishing, C. Lagoze, P.N. Edwards, J-C. Plantin & C. Sandvig, International Journal of Communication (2015)
- Climate Informatics: Human Experts and the End-to-End System, R. Rood and P.N. Edwards, Earthzine (2014)
- Predicting the Weather: A Knowledge Commons for Europe and the World, in C. Disco & E. Kranakis (eds), Cosmopolitan Commons: Sharing Resources and Risks across Borders (2013)
- Knowledge Infrastructures: Intellectual Frameworks and Research Challenges, report of a workshop sponsored by the National Science Foundation and the Sloan Foundation, P.N. Edwards, S.J. Jackson, M.K. Chalmers, G.C. Bowker, C.L. Borgman, D. Ribes, M. Burton, & S. Calvert (2013)
- Entangled Histories: Climate Science and Nuclear Weapons Research, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (2012)
- Eindämmung: Computertechnik und die Politik des kalten Krieges, Tumult 38: Container/Containment (2012)
- La complexité des données climatique: étendues, traitement, controverses, in E. Zaccai, F. Gemenne, and J-M Décroly, eds., Controverses climatiques: sciences et politiques (2012)
- Historical Perspectives on the Circulation of Information, P.N. Edwards, L. Gitelman, G. Hecht, A. Johns, B. Larkin, and N. Safier, American Historical Review (2011)
- Science Friction: Data, Metadata, and Collaboration, P.N. Edwards, M. Mayernik, A. Batcheller, G.C. Bowker, and C. Borgman, Social Studies of Science (2011)
- Oral history of Edward S. Davidson, pioneer of pipelining techniques for supercomputers, ACM SIGMICRO (2011)
- Oral history of Robert P. Colwell, Pentium engineer, ACM SIGMICRO (2011)
- History of Climate Modeling, Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change (2011)
- Special issue on Climate Science and Software, guest eds. S.M. Easterbrook, P.N. Edwards, V. Balaji, and R. Budich, IEEE Software (2011)
- Désenchantement, in G. Azoulay and D. Pestre, C’est l’espace! 101 savoirs, histoires, et curiosités, eds. (2011)
- History and the Technopolitics of Identity: The Case of Apartheid South Africa, P. N. Edwards and G. Hecht, Journal of Southern African Studies (2010)
- Some Say the Internet Should Never Have Happened, in W.R. Neuman, ed., Media, Technology, and Society: Theories of Media Evolution (University of Michigan Press, 2010)
- Introduction: An Agenda for Infrastructure Studies, P.N. Edwards, G.C. Bowker, S.J. Jackson, and R. Williams, Journal of the Association for Information Systems (2009)
- Special Issue on e-Infrastructures, guest editors P.N. Edwards, G.C. Bowker, S.J. Jackson, and R. Williams, Journal of the Association for Information Systems (2009)
- The Technopolitics of Cold War: Toward a Transregional Perspective, G. Hecht and P.N. Edwards (American Historical Association, 2008; republished in M. Adas, ed., Essays on Twentieth Century History, Temple, 2010)
- Extending African Knowledge Infrastructures: Creating, Sharing, Maintaining, report to the World Bank, S.J. Jackson, A.L. Batcheller, P.N. Edwards, G.C. Bowker, S. Cisler, and S.L. Star (2008)
- Understanding Infrastructure: History, Heuristics, and Cyberinfrastructure Policy, S.J. Jackson, P.N. Edwards, G.C. Bowker & C.P. Knobel, First Monday (2007)
- Understanding Infrastructure: Dynamics, Tensions, and Design, report to the US National Science Foundation, P.N. Edwards, S.J. Jackson, G.C. Bowker & C.P. Knobel (2007)
- Revolutionary Secrets: Technology’s Role in the South African Anti-Apartheid Movement, R.K. Garrett and P.N. Edwards, Social Science Computer Review (2007)
- "L'électronique rêvera pour vous": l'informatique rencontre l'information au cours des années Pompidou, in P. Griset, ed., Georges Pompidou et la modernité: les tensions de l'innovation, 1962-1974 (Peter Lang, 2007)
- Schwache Disziplin: Der Macht-Wissen-Komplex in Netzwerken und der Niedergang des Expertentums , in S. Kaufmann, ed., Vernetzte Steuerung: Soziale Prozesse im Zeitalter technischer Netzwerke (Chronos Verlag, 2007)
- Meteorology as Infrastructural Globalism, Osiris (2006)
- Les techniques de la guerre froide dans une perspective mondiale: le nucléaire et l'informatique comme systèmes technopolitiques (2005), G. Hecht and P.N. Edwards
- 'A Vast Machine': Standards as Social Technology (2004)
- Infrastructure and Modernity: Force, Time, and Social Organization in the History of Sociotechnical Systems (2003)
- Pourquoi fabriquer des ordinateurs? (2002)
- Representing the Global Atmosphere: Computer Models, Data, and Knowledge about Climate Change (2001)
- Self-Governance and Peer Review in Science-for-Policy: The Case of the IPCC Second Assessment Report (2001), Paul N. Edwards and Stephen H. Schneider
- The Globalization of Climate Science and Politics (2001), Clark A. Miller and Paul N. Edwards
- A Brief History of Atmospheric General Circulation Modeling (2000)
- The World in a Machine: Origins and Impacts of Early Computerized Global Systems Models (2000)
- Global Climate Science, Uncertainty and Politics: Data-laden Models, Model-Filtered Data (1999)
- Y2K: Millennial Reflections on Computers as Infrastructure (1998)
- The 1995 IPCC Report: Broad Consensus or 'Scientific Cleansing'? (1997), Paul N. Edwards and Stephen H. Schneider
- Models in the Policy Arena (1996)
- Cyberpunks in Cyberspace: The Politics of Subjectivity in the Computer Age (1995)
- Hyper Text and Hypertension: Post-structuralist Critical Theory, Social Studies of Science, and Software (1994)
- From 'Impact' to Social Process: Computers in Society and Culture (1994)