Dr. Amy B. Jordan
Senior Research Investigator
Annenberg Public Policy Center


Interview Date


Current research areas

Key Quote

  • "TV or other media, such as computers, are no longer a kind of ‘electronic hearth', where a family will gather around and make decisions or have discussions. My position, based on the most recent studies that we've been working on, is that most media in the home are working against bringing families together."

Key Points/Issues

Selected Bibliography

Calvert, Sandra L., and Amy B. Jordan. "Children in the Digital Age." Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 22, no. 1 (2001): 3-5.

Jordan, Amy B., Kelly L. Schmitt, and Emory H. Woodard, IV. "Developmental Implications of Commercial Broadcasters' Educational Offerings." Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 22, no. 1 (2001): 87-101.

» Next: Dr. Stephen T. Kerr