This report provides a profile of media ownership, use, and attitudes for parents and children in America, based on a national survey of 1,235 parents of children between the ages of two and seventeen and children between the ages of eight and sixteen. It also attempts to gauge parental awareness, knowledge, and use of various public policies designed to regulate media. It augments earlier Annenberg Public Policy Center surveys by examining the ways in which parents supervise their children's use of the media, including in the bedroom. We have summarized some of the major findings of this study in the introduction to our Executive Summary.
As we have mentioned an another assessment, it is important to recognize the limitations of data derived from both self-reports and parents' reports about their children's activities. Though we see no reason to a assume any particular bias in this study, research participants often have a tendency to provide somewhat inaccurate estimates of how they spend their time. Obviously, for questions such as whether a child has a television in his or her bedroom, such biases are unlikely to be relevant, but for estimates of time spent in various activities, one should be conscious of the limitations of this data collection method.
» Next: Young, Kimberly S.