"Something's rotten in the Technology business. Never in the history of media has so much money been spent so wastefully by clueless corporations hoping to make a fast buck in this medium. Look at the graveyard of business plans and 'gee-whiz' brainstorms which managers believed would be their ticket to Web profitability: personalization, soap operas, paid content, and push media are just a few of the corpses. Like myopic lemmings, these highly-paid corporate managers (very few of whom even know enough to answer their e-mail) all leap onto the same deadly bandwagon at once, dragging their budgets down with them in a hemorrhaging trail of red ink. Who pays the price of their ineptitude? The people in the front lines, of course -the men and women working in 24 x 7 electronic sweatshops, hoping to make it though another week without managers 'changing course' again." |
NetSlaves is dedicated to those who have been negatively effected "the incompetence, moronic planning, and hysterical management of New Media companies." It is an online forum that provides a great deal of fodder for anyone interested in what not to do when investing in new ICT projects.
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